E8 - Darren Williams
Darren Williams, founder of Herbalistics.
Once a bright eyed high schooler reading Food of the Gods and picking blue meanie mushrooms near Nimbin, Darren Williams grew up to spread seeds of exotic species far and wide. From horticultural R & D, to stand out fruits on clumping Trichocereus huasca, to finger lime hybrids and huffing strange psychoactive petals from a bag. This flora fuelled conversation follows Darren’s journey with obscure psychoactive and edible plants, to the magical plant petri dish that Herbalistics is today.
Gamma radiation of cactus seeds
NICM Health Research Institute
Alstonia constricta
Citrus australis, etc. (Australian citrus)
Desmodium spp.
Duboisa spp.
Helichrysum odoratissimum
Ipomea costada
I. polpha
Mentha diemenica etc. (Australian mint)
Panaeolus cyanescens
Petalostylis cassioides
Phyllodium spp.
Psilocybe cubensis
Trachymene incisa (Australian parsnip)
Trichocereus huasca
Zornia latifolia
Schultes, R. E., & Hofmann, A. (1992). Plants of the Gods: Their sacred, healing, and hallucinogenic powers.
Bodkin, F. (1993). Encyclopaedia Botanica; The essential reference guide to native and exotic plants in Australia.