E4 - Carlos Ostolaza

Carlos Ostolaza and his wife Carmen Rosa. Photo by Gpinoi.

Carlos Ostalaza is likely the most influential author on Peruvian cactus. He’s written more than four books and dozens of articles on cactus and has been involved in determining more than 50 cactus names, including Trichocereus peruvianus ssp. puquiensis. Carlos advocates for listing Trichocereus peruvianus in Appendix I of CITES, in the hopes of protecting this species from wild harvesting for the production and export of San Pedro powder as a source of mescaline.


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Carlos’ written answers to interview questions

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The Peruvian Cactus and Succulent Society (SPECS)

Pereskia horrida

A Cactus Odyssey

Diccionario etimológico ilustrado de cactáceas

Todos los cactus del Perú

Quepo journal

Bradleya journal

Cactus pro library

Backeberg, Cactus Lexicon and Die Cactaceae

Neoraimondia arequipensis subsp. roseiflora

A mistletoe that attacks cacti

101 cactus del Perú

Britton and Rose, The Cactacea


E5 - Huan Shuma


E3 - Tony